Comprehensive study of costs ané feasible locations for

settlement must precede final necotiaticns on the issue.

The USG should, in consultation with the MIG and effected
peoples or their representatives, complete the study being
uncertaken ‘by the Department of the Interior regarding
settlement possibilities.

aACUuRT™ -

— The Marshall Islands Government should assume exclusive
Jurisdiction over access and habitation on Bikini and
Enewetak Atolls, and responsibility for enforcing controls
On access and habitation.
The MIG should assime restconsibility for any decision to permixc access or habitation
uniess the USG has specificaliy
-ncurred in that decisi
. The MIG should assume exclusive liability for any injuri
resulting from any access or Rabeeation parmitted withou

USG concurrence.


Ub te

Approval of a $10 million ceiling for the negoti-

ation on land claims.

Extension of the personal injury compensation program cited in P.L. 95-134, at an unspecified cost; in con-~
junction with the health care, radiological monitoring, and

education programs cited in Public Law 96-205, at an esti-~
mated yearly cost of $12 to $15 million.
Approval of suitable settlement for displaced
Marshallese and funding of appropriate subsistence and
settlement programs.

Select target paragraph3