

Mr, Mann briefly commented on functions and practices of
the Division of Inspection,



Mr, Marshall reported on the completion of the special
declassification and downgrading review of docure nts of interest
to the civilian application program, Mr, Strauss suggested consideration of a public announcementof the results of this document
review program. He further suggested that the Commission consider
the need for another such program in approximately one year.


General Counsel

The Commissiorers had no questicns on Mr, Diamond's
report of N, V. Phillips’, et al, offer to settle their $20 million
patent claim for $4.5 million.
Mr, Strauss said that Mr, Mitchell doubted whether the
Commission had legal aczthorit y to give 1,000 kg of U-235 to
IAEA, He added that he had spoken to the Attorney General
acoou. “ais matter and that his comiments would be received shertly.

Executive Session*® = General Manager’s Monthly Report
a, Intelligence
b, Finance

c. Military Application and Production
W.B. McCool

Approved by the Cornmission:
Meeting 1207,
June 12, 1956
*A sco, urate minute for this part of the meeting has been circulated. |
~ 170 =

Select target paragraph3