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A note on the vegetation of the northern islets of Rongelap Atoll,

Marshall Islands, March, 1959.
B. S. Blumberg, and R. A. Conard.
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The biological hazards of a fallout field.
R. A. Conard.
Radioactivity in Man, Ed. G. R. Meneely, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield,
T1ll., pp. 249-265, 1961.
Electrolytes in hypertension:
The effects of sodium chloride.
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G. R. Meneely, and L. K. Dahl.
The Medical Clinics of North America 45(2):


The evidence


An isoprecipitation reaction distinguishing human serum-protein types.
A. G. Allison, B. S. Blumberg.
The Lancet 1; 634-637, 1961.
Gm phenotypes and genotypes in U. S. Whites and Negroes; in American Indians
and Eskimos; in Africans; and in Micronesians.
A. G. Steinberg, R. Stauffer, B. S. Blumberg, H. Fudenberg.
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Possible role of chronic excess salt consumption in the pathogenesis of
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Lewis K. Dahl.

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Cohn. W. W.



Use of a portable whole-body counter to measure internal contamination in a
fallout-exposed population.
S. H. Cohn, R. A. Conard, E. A. Gusmano, and J. S; Robertson.
Health Physics 9: 15-23, 1963.
Medical survey of Rongelap people eight years after exposure to fallout.
R. A. Conard, L. M. Meyer, W. W. Sutow,
and E. Riklon.

W. L.

Moloney, A. Lowrey, A. Hicking,

BNL Report 780(T-296), January, 1963.

Metabolism of fission products in man: Marshallese’ experience.
S. H. Cohn.
I.A.E.A. Int. Symp. on Diagnosis and Treatment of Radioactive Poisoning,
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Long term intra-oral findings in humans after exposure to total body irradiation from sudden radioactive fallout.
I. Five years post-detonation studies.
H. W. Lyon, R. A. Conard, and K. F. Glassford.
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Medical survey of Rongelap people seven years after exposure to fallout.
_R. A. Gonard, H. E. MacDonald, L. M.Meyer,
D. Karnofsky, A. A. Jaffe, and E. Riklon,

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The Am. J. Cardiology VIII(4): 571-575 and 587-592(panel discussion), 1961.

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