Some effects of ionizing radiation on human beings: A report of the
Marshallese and Americans accidentally exposed to radiation from fallout and
a discussion of radiation injury in the human being.
E. P. Cronkite, V. P. Bond, and C. L. Dunham, eds.
Naval Med. Res. Inst., Naval Radiol. Defense Lab. and Brookhaven Nat. Lab.,
11l4p., TID 5356, 1956.


The effects of fallout radiation on the skin.
In: The Shorter Term Biological Hazards of a Fallout Field, AEC-DOD, .
pp. 135-42, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1956.

Response of human beings accidentally exposed to significant fallout radiation from a thermonuclear explosion (summary).
R. A. Conard, E. P. Cronkite, V. P. Bond, N. R. Shulman, R. S. Farr,
S. H. Cohn, C. L. Dunham, and L. E. Browning.

Progress in Radiobiology,

eds. J,

S. Mitchell, B.



G. G. Smith, Oliver and Boyd, Edinborough, London, pp. 491-493,



Medical survey of the Marshallese two years after exposure to fallout radiation.
R. A. Conard, C. E. Huggins, A. Lowrey, and J. B. Richards.
BNL Report 412(T-80), March, 1956.
J.A.M.A. 164(11): 1192-1197, 1957.

Measurements on some residents of the Marshall Islands.

March 1957 medical survey of Rongelap and Utirik people three years after
exposure to radioactive fallout.
R. A. Conard, L. M. Meyer, J. E. Rall, A. Lowrey, S. A. Bach, B. Cannon,
E. L. Carter, M. Eicher, and H. Hechter.
BNL Report 501(T-119), June, 1958.
The determination of internally deposited
Marshallese people by excretion analysis.
R. A. Conard.
Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests.
May 5, 6, 7, and 9, 1959.
Joint Comm. on

on Radiation, Washington.

radioactive isotopes in the
Hearings 86th Congr., lst sess.,
Atomic Energy, Special Subcommittee

U.S. Govt. Printing Off., v.2, pp. 1332-47, 1959.

Medical survey of Rongelap people, March 1958, four years after exposure
to fallout.
R. A. Conard, J. S. Robertson, L. M. Meyer, W. W. Sutow, W. Wolins, A. Lowrey,
H. C. Urschel, J. M. Barton, M. Goldman, H. Hechter, M. Eicher, R. K. Carver,

and D. W. Potter.
BNL Report 534(T-135), May,



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G. M. Dunning, ed.
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, pp. 45-51, 1957.

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Radioactive contamination of certain areas in the Pacific Ocean from nuclear
tests, a summary of the data from the radiological surveys and medical


C. E. Miller, and O. J. Steingraher.
Semiannual Report, January-June, 1957, Radiological Physics Division,
Argonne Natl. Lab., ANL 5755, pp. 53-7, 1957.

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