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tions were made by manyindividuals in manydepartments, including Medical, Instrumentation
and Health Physics, Photography and Graphic
Arts, the Shipping Section and others. We are
grateful to the following people for their support
and advice: Dr. Maurice Goldhaber, Director;

Dr. J.B.H. Kuper, Chairman of the Instrumentation and Health Physics Department; Dr. V.P.

Bond, Chairmanof the Medical Department, and

others in his Department, including Drs. D.D.

Van Slyke, E.P. Cronkite, and S. Cohn, Messrs.
A. Finn, G. Jackson, and W. J. Walsh, and the

nursing staff of the Medical Research Center.
In regard to advice and consultation on the thyroid pathology in the Marshallese, we are indebted
to Drs. S. Warren and W.A. Meissner of the New
England Deaconess Hospital; Dr. J.B. Stanbury,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dr. B.P.
Colcock, Lahey Clinic; Dr. E.D. Henley, University of Washington; Dr. G.H. Klinck, Armed
Forces Institute of Pathology; Dr. S. Lindsay, University of California; CommanderC. J. Stahl, U.S.
Navy; and Drs. L.K. Dahl, H.L. Atkins, and H.A.
Johnson of Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Wewish also to thank Miss B.R. Brezisky for
her secretarial assistance and Mrs. M. Dienesfor
her editorial help.

334 (T-135), May 1959.
. Conarn, R.A. ev aL. Medical Survey of Rongelap. Peopie
Five and Stx Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL 609

(T-179), September 1960.

. Conarp, R.A. et Ac., Medical Survey of Rongelap People
Seven Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL 727 (T-260),
May 1962.
. Gonarn, R.A. ev ac., Medical Survey of Rongelap People
Evght Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL 780 (T-296)},
January 1963.

.Conarb, R.A. Et ac., Afedical Survey of the People of

Rongelap and Utirik Islands Nine and Ten Years After Exposure to Fallout Radiation (March 1963 and March 1964),
BNL 908 (T-371), May 1965.
. Sussman, L.N., Meyer, L.M., anp Conarp, R.A,
Blood groupings in Marshallese, Sczence 129, 644


. BLumaerc, B.S., Biochemical polymorphismsin animals: haptoglobins and transferrins, Proc. Soc. Exptl.

Biol. Med. 104, 25 (1960).

. BLumperc, B.S. anp Garter, 5.M., High prevalence

of high-level 8-aminoisobutyric acid excretors in

Micronesians, ature 184, 1990 (1959).
. GARTLER, S.M., An investigation into the biochemical

genetics of 8-aminoisobutyric aciduria, Am. /. Human

Genet. 11, 257 (1959).

FUDENBERG, H., Gm phenotypes and genotypes in

U.S. whites and negroes; in American Indians and
Eskimos; in Africans and in Micronesians, Am. /.
Human Genet. 3, 205 (1961).
16. Biumberc, B.S., Dray, S., AND Rosrnson, j-C., Antigen polymorphism ofa low density beta-lipoprotein:
allotypy in human serum, Nature 194, 656 (1962).
17. MENEELY, G.R. ann Dau, L.K., Electrolytes in hypertension: the effects of sodium chloride, Med. Clin. N.

Am. 45, No. 2, 271 (1961).


. Cronkite, E.P. ev a., The Effects ofIonizing Radiation

on Human Beings: A Report on the Marshallese and Amencans Accidentally Exposed to Radtation Fallout and a Discusston of Radtation Injury in the Human Beng, AEC-TID

5358, U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington,

D.C., 1956.


. Bonn, V.P., Conarp, R.A., Ropertson, J.5., AND
Wepen, E.A. Jr., Medical Examination ofRongelap People

Six Months After Exposure to Fallout, WT-937, Operation Castle Addendum Report 4.1A, April 1955.

3. CRONKITE, E.P. et Av., Twelve-Month Postexposure Survey

on Marshallese Exposed to Fallout Radiation, BNL 384 (T-

71), August 1955.
4. Conarp, R.A. er ac., Medical survey of Marshallese

two vears after exposureto fallout radiation /.A.ALA.

164, 1192 (1957).

3. Conarp, R.A. er AL., March 1957 Medical Survey of
Rongelap and U'trrtk People Three Years After Exposure to
Radioactive Fallout, BNL 501 (T-119), June 1958.


18. Goxpman, M. anp Carver, R.K., An intestinal para-

site survey on Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands,

Am. J. Trop.Med. Hyg. 8, 417 (1959).
19. Guick, $.M., Rotn, J., Yarow, R.S., axp Berson,

S.A., Immunoassay of human growth hormone in

plasma, Nature 199, 784 (1963).
20. Bakwin, R.M., Weiper, A.. AND Bakwin, H., Mental
testing in children, /. Pediat. 33, 384 (1948).
21. Sutow, W.W., Conarp, R.A., AND GRIFFITH, K.M.,
Growthstatus of children exposed to fallout radiation
on Marshal! Islands, Pedratrics 36, 721 (1963).

22. GREULICH, W/W. anv Py_e, S.1., Radiographic Atlas of
Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist, 2nd Ed.,

Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif., 1959.
23. Conarp, R.A. anp Hickrna, A., Medical findings in
Marshallese people exposed to fallout radiation:

results from a ten-year study. /.4.4/f.4. 192, 457

. Conarn, R.A., Raut, J.E., anp Sutow, W.W., Thyroid nodules as a late sequela of radioactive fallout.

New Engl. J. Med. 274, 1392 (1966).

25. Harris, P., Unpublished data.

er ee nie

Hospital, were extremely helpful.
At Brookhaven National Laboratory, contribu-

6. Conarb, R.A. eT AL., Medical Survey of Rongelap People,
March 1958, Four Years After Exposure to Fallout, BNL

of Global Associates at Kwajalein, including Dr.
Y.C. Smith and Mr. G. Brosky at the Kwajalein

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