Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
October 6, 1972

Mr. Roger Ray
Assistant Manager for Operations
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
Nevada Operations Office

P, 0. Box 14100

Las Vegas, Nevaca



Dear Mr. Ray:

I have just been requested by Mr. Van Renssaleer of the Honolélu

Operations Office of the Atomic Energy Commission to meet with you on

Friday, October 13 at 11:00 a.m. in my office on Coconut Island.


will be very pleased to do so, and wish to confirm this appointment.
Mr. Van Renssalaer thought it might be appropriate to inform you
of proceedings in the United States Federal Court in Honolulu yesterday,
October 5. The case involved an injunction against the Air Force's
PACE operation on Eniwetok. Judge Samuel King had previously issued a
restraining order to the Air Force and they were seeking to be allowed .
to continue drilling and seismic Work while involved in the preparation


of an environmental impact statement, and until a formal court case
could be heard on February 13, 1973.
Judge King denied this motion,

indicating he could not see that the Air Force had just cause to pro-

ceed, even with the seismic work.

In the issuance of the restraining order, the whole question of
whether the operations of the PALUMBO and other AEC monitoring activi-

ties were indeed part of the
plaintiff, Mr. Ted Mitchell,
operate the®e, and that this
our EMBL operations.
If any




FACE project or not.
Counsel for the
assured me that the AEC would be free to
restraining order did not include them or
problems develop in this regard, I would

suggest you contact the assistant U. S. attorney in Honolulu, Mr. Miho,
or the counsel for the Micronesian Legal Services, Mr. Ted Mitchell,
who is located in Saipan.
I'1l Look forward to seeing you on the 13th. If there is anything
I can do in advance of this meeting, don't hesitate to call on me at
(808) 247-6631.



Philip Helfrich

' Ty



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Director, Eniwetok Moblin ; hn
Biological Laborato



ce: Mr. Hills

Mr. VarformidWaddediBox 1067: Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 /Cable Address: UNIHAW


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