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the Conmission undertake such a step, and we reaffirm this recommendation. We discussed at length the question of whether the machine should
be built at a university or at one of the National Laboratories, The
conclusion to which we unanimously came is that it should be constructed
at a National Laboratory.
Despite the enthusiasm of various university groups to build and
operate such a facility, we fail to see any really convincing reason
for associating an aceelerator of this size with a university campus.
We do not feel that it would be a vital element in the instruction of
students or in any way an extension of the normal functions of a
university department. On the other hand, it is basic to the whole
concept of the National Laboratories that they shall supply central
research facilities of an advanced nature for the use of cooperating
universities and other research institutions in their region. We
believe that it should be the policy of the Commission to see that the
National Laboratories are equipped with the best and most advanced
nuclear research facilities, e.g. large accelerators, that can be built
with the existing technology and available funds at any particular tine.
To adopt any other course would, indeed, jeopardize the ability of
these Laboratories to play the role in our national scientific effort

for which they were established,

There has been built up at the

Brookhaven National Laboratory a very strong momentum in the ultra-high
energy accelerator field as a result of their success with the cosmotron
and in the further development of the "strong focussing" principle,
We feel it important to utilize this momentum, which is a very valuable
current asset of the Commission,
In view of these considerations, it is our recommendation that
this accelerator be constructed at the Brookhaven National Laboratory,
We also recommend that the Commission issue a clear statement of
its policy in such matters, sirce this would do much toward insuring
that the interests and enthusiasms which exist are directed along the
most constructive and efficient lines of effort.
3. The Conmittee was most favorably impressed with the progress which
has been made since our last study of Project Gabriel, now labelled
Project Sunshine. We feel that we are now on solid ground for further

exploration of this important question.

We recommend that the Commission

proceed expeditiously with the immediate program of sample collection
and analysis. From the presentation we had from the staff of Project
Sunshine and from Dr. Libby we obtained a strong impression that this
information may become vital
tests, and,
in the event of war, may be of the greatest importance in determining

tactics and strategy,

All concerned with the re-orientation of this

Project during this last summer are to be congratulated on a very
satisfactory performance.


Select target paragraph3