

Major General E. B. Giller



As a result of our recent discussions, I do appreciate your position relative
to the funding of this type of activity. This does not however alter my
conviction that the AEC has a responsibility somewhere within the agency to
conduct some level of surveillance at both locations. Suggested scope of
work for a Bikini effort has been developed in conjunction with DOS, and is
attached for your reference. Also included is a progress report as to
rehabilitation work at Bikini through mid-June, which indicates to us a
need for additional radiological work before reoccupation proceeds too much
I acknowledge your direction not to use weapons funds on this work and am
issuing instructions to tis effect. We had been planning to do a radiological survey of the two areas soon after Cannikin, and I would still recommend
that this be done through NVOO contractor resources if some acceptablé fund-

ing arrangement can be concluded.

I would appreciate your further advice on the long-range problem and assistance in arranging for possible funding alternatives.

obéert E.
As noted above

cc w/encls:

F. K. Pittman, USAEC, Division of Waste
Management and Transportation, HQ

M. B. Biles, USAEC, Division of Operatipnal
Safety, HQ
R. Ray, Asst. Mgr.

for Operations, NV

F, D. Cluff, Deputy Test Manager, NV
D. W. Hendricks, Dir., Radiological

Operations, NV
E. S. Chaput, Actg. Dir., Budget Div., NV
E. M. Douthett, Dir., Effects Eval Div., NV


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