
DOS has reportedly said that Bikini criteria are best we have
te work with as guide at this time.

Islands ge back te TIPI at the end of 1973.

AEC has spent ever
$1 ailliea om surwey. -@84 has done its part, and General Duan
waats te shew that he has completed his aiesion. It beheeves
AEC te arrive at preper criteria and heve than staffed throughout

government prier te transfer of islands te TIPI. May only be
able to say:what ameunts to "this is the situation.“ As « aiaimm

say “Islands a, b, . - -, @ are safe.

Ielande x, y, .. oO2 are
"Ye is safe to ent .. ., and unsafe to eat..."
Beryllium aot our probies.


It ie desired thet Commission send this eut by Neweaber 1, 1973.
Important te know formst for criteria at this time, and Test Office,
DMA, will draft a paper to exemplify what is desired /needed.
DOS has informed DMA that Eniwetok will be treated island by island
end that eriteria will look more/less Like Bikini.
Brought out posaible cost/economic relationships with respect to
options in para. 2, above.
With respect to Runit (Yvonne), plutonium levels may be so high
that it will be impossible for anyone to live there. Disposition
ef Pu described. "DHA has proposed to put all scrap from Atoll in
Cactus crater, et north end of Zuntt, and cever with concrete,
There is queetion about whether coconuts will grow on Runit because
of absence of fresh water lens below surface. There is also question

about Pu hazard te people vho may fish eon broad reef seaward.

Commander Wolff, DMA, stated belief that Micronesians want U.8. to
give them money for cleanup and then they will contract with Japanese


with whom they have good relationships.

Zt will be usecessary to go to an external advisory group

to consider: criteria as we did fer Bikiai.

(To this ceonment Gen. Casm

stated we sheuld get them aboard now, and Captain Gay expressed his
view that if we go outside, we will never get the job done. Alse

quoted Dr. Biles es saying the etaff recommendations go to the Comis-


Dr.. Burr etated that it would not require that much time.

There was geueral discussion ef DOS /DBER coeperation ia writiag

cloamsp eo iuvolving McCraw, Schroebel and others.






Analysis and Evalusti
_MSchroebel:lg__|...Diviaden ofBienedical


Dewees cmnrene see ee tenn nw eels a ne = oe ee et ee eeewees}

Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) AECM 0240

Enviropmental Resea!l

O43 —16—B81405-1


Select target paragraph3