1. ; ., ~!ccreasc, in the kadionuclidc body bljrdcn. The Ir~,p.arl went of the ● 9 .. . :lLC1iOC 3. oi Energy, 4. ,.., . . ... ., < 5. radiological 6. will determine 7. considered dcciclcd, in the light of the evirfcnce presented that the people living on Bikini should by LIIC Department bc movrd al the earliest ... ...JLc. .“in ..eci. \l/radi.cJl,.~g ica: tests or Bikini whether as a home Bikini for-the being sJr.’..ycurrently underway coficuct”c{. ) b) the Drparcmont ,.:nli (.ln, I.n Iilu Ioresceable and other of Eneryy future, he Bikini””peopIe. 8. 9. Among the requests 10. request 11. sentatives 12. commitments 13. ing are intended 14. expressed.* for a statement of the United of the people in writing States conveyed 17. 18. .19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Mr. Joseph during were to the principal ’15. 16. and Mrs. Van Cleve, and Kili was a of the uklderstandings that “those rcprcscntativcs to respond of both Bikini on thi3L those meetings willing concerns the a(id rrPrc- of the to mkt.. The foll(lwthen at)d therc