ATTACHMENT Hist. Rac Sayre Tom F. scCraw 14239 Royer Cascade MD ¢ Records Rd. 2:1716 PREFACE Northern Marshalls Survey Report The survey of thirteen islands and atolls in the Northern Marshalls resulted from efforts by Atomic Energy Commission (AEC} staff to determine what information wouldbe the future to support the termination of the United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The Federal agencies currently having primary responsibilities and interests in the Marshalls. are the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Department of Defense (00D). DOI has health and environmental responsibilities under the Trust Territory Agreement, and the DOD has programmatic responsibilities related to national security. AEC, now the Department of Energy (DOE) participated in a series of interagency agreement with DOI and DOD that were related to cooperative efforts to rehabilitate Bikini and Enewetak Atolls. Under these agreements, AEC/DOE provided technical information and advice on radfological conditions in the Marshalls. AEC/DOE contractors have carried out the radiological surveys radiologica] conditions that provide needed data to evaluate Ahich must be known in order to advise DOI and DOD. These data resources are being maintained and enlarged by DOE's contractors, primarily the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Brookhaven National Laboratory. In preparation for cleanup of Enewetak, an aerial survey of the islands of this atoll was conducted {n September-November, 1972, using sensitive radiation monitoring and position fixing equipment carried in helicopters. Flown along close spaced parallel tracks at low altitudes, the system measured the external gamma radiation field and the contribution to this field by each fallout and ee Te 2