
at the Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Magu, California, and at the
Kwajalein Missile Range, Kwajalein Atoll.

Helicopter support was provided

by personnel of the U.S. Navy HC-1 Helicopter Squadron, San Diego, California.

Personnel of EG&G supported the photographic and aerial surveys.


of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory conducted the environmental

DOD's logistics costs were reimbursed by DOI.

DOE funded technical

Support costs for the survey.

The new information in this report will be interpreted and evaluated elsewhere.
However, it may be said that the trends in the radiation data ang in the total
dose estimates in this report do not indicate any unusual findings.

It was

expected that fission product radiation and radioactivity levels and accompanying

radiation doses would decline with distance from the test atolls, and that
these values would approach levels equivalent to world-wide fallout at the
Periwefe ‘~

perimeter of the region of close-in fallout.

This did occur within the area




Select target paragraph3