a aaa Departmentof Energy Washington, D.C. 20545 AOLr77& -~TFo Roe Friday July 6, 1979 3 FOR INFORMATION - £62 - (BF? - wehorS ‘Jim Hooper, British Embassy called to determine what the attitude of DOE would be if the British Radiological Protection Board did a survey and estimate of radioactivity of the Marshall Islands area, particularly Bikini and provided the results DC. to a law firm here in The law firm is Covington and Aertel) a highly reputable one and they are doing this at the behest of their clients, presumably the Marshall Islands group. J explored the matter with Schlesinger, Coleman, Deutch, Hughes - everyone at the Friday staff meetingin the meeting and after some discussions JS said he could see no reason why we should object -—--UNLESS the US Govt is asked to pay. Hooper is also calling State and DNA on the matter. I called him after the staff meeting and relayed that we had no problem except we would like to see the incoming request so we can know better how to deal with the problem since clearly it would be very difficult for anyone to do a survey without the . logistic base from which we operate. I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FINAL PLAY OUT IS ON THIS.. IM LIVERMAN ~