
Merril Eisenbad -


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“wanuary 27, 195k

excretion by Pecher printed by the Univeraity of California Press in
1945 which contains a great deal of useful information on human
strontium metabolism. He will attempt to get reprints of this monograph for distribution since it is largely unavailable. ‘The type of

experimental animal came under discussion and it was brought out that

mice and rets, unlike man, dogs and rabbits do not have haversion
systems, As the size of the bone increases, the distance between
trabeculi also increases, possibly changing the radiation geometry.
Probably the animals most closely related in bone structure to humans

are the chimpamsee and the burro,

Dr. Hamilton suggested the use of

a number of types of animals with varying life spans in order to confirm the relationship between tumor dose and latent period.
In passing, it was mentioned that materiaterntiébs than strontium would
constitute a hazard in the event of the destruction of a reactor in-

cluding BariuathO and Neptuniue239, and the problem under these circus-

stances would be the hasard of a single dose rether than the chronic
exposure to fallout material.

Dr. Largon mentioned some of the activities found in kangaroo rats
living within the area of heavy fallout near the test site. He found

327 d/m/gm of bone ash of total strontium.

accounted for by Sr90.

Of this, 45 d/m/gm was

The lungs contained 1,00, liver 82, gut 108,000

d/m/gm of ash. The fallout strontium close to the test site is very
insoluble (about 0.5%) whersas further away, 1.@. Brookhaven, it is
about 50% soluble, Uptake in radishes in the test site area was about
1:2 on a gram-for-qram basie (i.e. radishes to soil). After 3 crops,

there is no further uptake. A higher uptake of strontium in plants
is observed in plants on the eastern coast. There was a question as

to whether this was related to the available calcium since it is possible
that larger quantities of calcium might increase the strontiun intake
in a similar fashion to lead.

In discussing the possible studies on husans, Dr. Hamilton mentioned
that Sr&5 would be useful as a pure gamus emitter in studies dealing
with the uptake of atrontium saeasured by external counting. It is
cyclotron produced from rubidium,

Dr. Claus then directed the discussion toward the strontium burdens which

would produce the various pathological responses.

It was agreed that

these relationships which are expressed on the basis of a 70 idlagram:

man are crude but at least they serve the purpose of establishing
some limita to the relationships,


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