At the executive session on November 13 the Minutes of the previous
meeting were approved.
Dr. Moseley requested the secretary of the ACBM to advise Mr. Eason that
Dr. Lincoln should be appointed to the ACBM subcommittee to assist the AEC in
its review of present radiation exposure record-keeping practices.
Dr. Moseley
and Dr. Laughlin are the other subcommittee members.
Dr. Totter discussed the difficulty of getting data from ABCC.
He said
that the data belongs to the Japanese and requires back and forth translation
to make certain it is correct.
Because of the load on the computer the entry
of the data into the computer takes about one year.
The real ABCC problem seems to be the change in the value of the yen and
rapid increase of costs in Japan.
The cost ranges from 3.6 million three
years ago to what will probably be 5.6 million in 1972.
The Japanes government
will be urged to go into the program with additional funds.
Dr. Dunham, of
the National Academy of Sciences, has asked the National Cancer Institute if

they want to "buy into" the ABCC program.

The suggestion was cordially

received and they will probably agree to do this.
Dr. Finch inquired how the
scientific merit of the program was evaluated in comparison to the cost.
Dr. Totter replied that he regards the program as totally essential regardless
of cost.
Dr. Laughlin commented that this is a unique opportunity to get
valuable data, and he thinks the ABCC program should be strongly supported.
He thought it unusual that it has been possible to conduct this program even
with Japanese aid.
Dr. Finch asked if the Committee could suggest that some
opinion be developed anticipating criticism or suggesting limitations of the
He suggested that a paper be developed more formally indicating
what has been accomplished and the potential value in the next decade from
the standpoint of cancer,
The Committee considered possible candidates to fill the vacancy existing
on the ACBM.
In view ot the emphasis to appoint women to committees the
following names were suggested:
Dr. Mary T. Bunting, Dr. Edythalene Tompkins,
Dr. Mildred Cohn, Dr. Marian Koshland, Dr. Rosalind Yalow and Dr. Mary Ellen
Background information on these individuals will be furnished to
the ACBM.
The next ACBM meeting will be held November 12-13,
and Safety Laboratory, New York Operations Office.

1971, at the Health

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,



Rosemary Elmo, Executive Secretary
Advisory Committee for Biology
and Medicine


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