The 139th meeting of the Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine was
held September 10-11, 1971, at AEC Headquarters and the "H' Street Office.
The members present were Drs. R. D. Moseley, Jr. (Chairman), Stout (ViceChairman), Finch, Haagen-Smit, Laughlin, and Miss Rosemary Elmo (Executive



and Dr.


(Scientific Secretary) were unable

to attend.
Dr. H. D. Bruner, Assistant Director, DBM, acted as DBM
representative during the morning session in the absence of Dr. John Totter,


Totter attended the afternoon session on the

executive session on the

lOth and the


The Committee was briefed on the following items:
Mr. Marcus A, Rowden, Office of the General
Counsel, and Mr, Lester Rogers, Director, Division of Radiological and
Environmental Protection, briefed the Committee on the holdings of the Court
of Appeals in the Calvert Cliffs case and the steps the Commission had
undertaken and contemplated in implementation of that decision.
Mr. Rogers
discussed the impact on the Regulatory program of the implementation of the
Calvert Cliffs Court decision regarding the National Environmental Policy Act.
The AEC issued on September 9, 1971, revised regulations to implement the
Court decision.
The effect of the new regulations is to make the AEC directly
responsible for evaluating the total environmental impact, including thermal
effects, of nuclear power plants and assessing this impact in terms of the
available alternatives and the need for electric power.
Mr. Rogers stated that the Court decision affects some 65 construction
and operating license applications involving 97 nuclear power units.
addition, 5 nuclear powsr reactors for which operating licenses were issued
after January 1, 1970, are affected as well as 3 fuel reprocessing facilities,
All of these applicants must prepare environmental reports and the AEC must
prepare environmental statements that will be used in licensing proceedings
on these cases.
Mr. John Whitnah, Assistant Director for Administration, DBM, discussed
the effect of environmental impact statements on the DBM research programs.
He said that at the request of the AEC, Argonne National Laboratory identified
a total of approximately 23 man-years which could be redirected from biology
and medicine research programs to the preparation of environmental impact
statements during the balance of FY 1972,
Most of this effort has been
engaged in fresh water environmental studies, particularly in the thermal
effects area.
There will also be a significant input from radiological and
health physics studies, particularly at Oak Ridge.
The dollar magnitude of
the research programs affected is approximately 900 thousand dollars during
the current fiscal year


Select target paragraph3