
but at a lower level.



/The neutron dose contribution at Nagasaki was

smaller than at Hiroshima./

Lf an RBE dose in REM, using an RBE value of 5 is inserted instead

of Total Dose (neutrons plus gamma radiation in rads) the Hiroshima and
Nagasaki leukemia curves come very much closer together.
In both
cities, however, the response then becomes distinctly non-linear with
pronounced concavity.

In Hiroshima the curve of mortality from cancer excluding leukemia
versus total dose is nearly linear whereas in Nagasaki there is an
enormous dip in the 100-199 rad range and the response at the highest
doses is much smaller than in Hiroshima.
In terms of the RBE dose, the curves for mortality from cancer
excluding leukemia for the two cities are not brought together as well
at the highest dose levels as they were in the case of leukemia.
appears that an RBF of 6 or even 7 might be required to bring the two
cities into agreement.
At the lower dose levels agreement remains
poor, since no amount of numeric manipulation will compensate for the
deficit of cases in Nagasaki in the 100-199 rad (largely gamma rays)
Further, when an RBE of 5 is used, the Hiroshima regression of
mortality on dose, which is very nearly linear using Total Dose, becomes
concave using the RBE dose.
As time has passed, there has been a shift in the excess mortality
in the high dose survivors from leukemia to other cancer.
In 1950-54,
the excess leukemia deaths were about twice as numerous as those from
all other cancer; ty 1965-70, the excess from other cancer has come to
be three times that from leukemia.


Select target paragraph3