NOV 15 1979
Mahion E. Gates, Manager, NV


whole body counting, nursery projects at Enewetak and Bikini, radiological

surveillance, etc.).
Through a series of near heroic actions by H&N/PTD,
U.S. Oceanography, PASO and NV, the vessel was procured, fitted out, sailed
to Kwajalein in the worst weather in recorded Pacific Ocean history.
Liktanur II sailed from Kwajalein only one week late in spite of a month

of totally impossible weather in the Pacific.

Since that time Liktanur II has performed every task assigned to her, on
schedule, with competence and occasionally with distinction. Every
Principal Investigator of a DOE program in the Marshall Islands that has
utilized Liktanur II will attest to that statement - except Dr. Pratt.
Dr. Pratt began a campaign before Liktanur II sailed from San Diego in
December, 1978, to disqualify the U.S. Oceanography contractor from
contract renewal.

It is clear from item B, Enclosure 1,

that early on

he had developed strong negative feelings about Charles Otterman,
President of U.S. Oceanography.

From that point forward to the present date, Dr. Pratt has deluged PASO
with a never ending flow of complaints about the alleged inadequacies of
Liktanur II.
In the main, the complaints have not involved PASO support
of the medical program, but have dealt with matters involving contractual,
issues, navigational methods, crew qualification, crew documentation,
safety, rigging of the vessel, etc.
The only thing that the complaints

had in common, collectively, is that all were derogatory to U.S. Oceanography and/or Liktanur II.


At a meeting of Liktanur II Users at Livermore, CA, on February 22, 1979,
just after BNL's first medical survey trip in January/February 1979,
Dr. Pratt took the position that BNL would not thereafter utilize

Liktanur II for BNL medical surveys. Since BNL was and is the major
user of Liktanur II, their withdrawal from the program would create

serious problems as to where other program participants would get vessel
support since clearly DOE would not pay for two vessels. After a very
long and very candid discussion by Dr. Pratt, Roger Ray and the writer,

Dr. Pratt agreed that if the corrections were made in the vessel that

he had recommended (most had already been accomplished as a routine
Shakedown cruise procedure) BNL would agree to use the vessel through
FY 1980, but only if Charles Otterman, did not accompany the BNL medical
survey trips.
PASO agreed to try to get Otterman to agree but pointed
out to Pratt that Otterman owned the vessel and we could not enforce
Dr. Pratt's request if Otterman’ was not agreeable.

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7 11978, meeting at Livermore Dr. Pratt provided to

selected members of the Liktanur II Users group, a series of schematic
drawings of a proposed CMS (Carr Marine Services) vessel which Mel Carr,
a present Global employee at KMR, had prepared.
(Mel Carr was the former
ist mate on Liktanur I and is a close associate of Dr. Pratt).
Since the

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