
Marshall Island Data Bank

The objective of this project within the Marshall Islands assessment
program is to organize into one location the available radionuclide data which
has been obtained in the Marshall Islands.

The data bank is currently limited

primarily to data collected in recent years by one laboratory but should be
expanded to include all radionuclide data obtained prior to, during, and afte

the U.S Nuclear Testing Program.


Revelant Publications

Publications relevent to current Marshal? Island Programs are listed by

Colsher, C.C., Robison, W.L. and Gudiksen, P.H. (1976).

Evaluation of the

Radionuclide Concentration in Soil and Plants from the 1975 Terrestrial Survey
of Bikini and Eneu Islands.

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-51879,

Pt. 3.

Robison, W.L., Phillips, W.A. and Colsher, C.S. (1977).
Bikini Atoll.

Dose Assessment at

Lawrence Livermore Laboraory Report UCRL-51879, Pt. 5.


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