




Lattor to the Magiotrate of Utirik










At the tiie of the March survey, tho Uririk Council




letter as soon as possible as to whether ERDA would cbtain a relicf

~phyeician for Dr. Knudoen in order for continuatien of se quarterly

visits to their feland.




If no replacement was intenddd, thoy stated

they would atterpt to locate a doctor of thair own for this purpoce,.

A draft of a a letter to the Nagistrate of Utirik vao dresented and



sear t

since there was some objection to the wording of the letter, it waa to

be revised by ERDA.

~The ERDA answers to the letters from the peopla of Ronpgelan end Utirik
It was apreed that ERDA needed to revise the. present drafte of the

answering letters in the light of the resulte of this mesting and recent


Response to Bakal sad Bekal (law firm) letter repondinn pending
“suit by the Utirik people apainst ERDA


An answer prepared by ERDA lawyers at Lan Vogeol wea read.


letter outlined the concern and support (medical, ete.) cf tha Vilyik

people by ERDA (AEC) over the years.

Thyroid Control Study
It was pointed out thet more information wae badly necced on the
general incidence of thyroid abnormaliticu in the unexposed Harcshallese
people dn order that findinge, particularly in the Utirik population,
could better be evaluated with repard to radiation cxpesucs,

we pm ere oT

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