United States Department of the interior

Dear Mr.

DEC? i976


This is to formalize discussions Miss Johnson of my staff has had

with you and Dr. Weinstein concerning the request for two physicians
from the U.S. Public Health Service to assist ERDA's medical team

in providing medical examinations to the people of the Rongelap and

Utirik Atolls in the Marshall Islands.

As you know, general medical care of Micronesians is the responsi-

bility of the administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific

However, for the past 20 years, ALC/ERDA had conducted a

program of medical surveillance and treatment of the people of
Rongelap and Utirik who were exposed to fall-out.
It has been
suggested that U.S, Public Health Service physicians might be
assigned for a period of approximately six weeks to assist the ERDA

medical team in this humanitarian effort.
If such an assignment is
agreeable to all concerned, Dr, Robert A. Conard, M.D., Medical

Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, will contact Dr. Sheridan

Weinstein concerning the kind of medical specialists desired in the

forthcoming medical survey planned for March and April 1977.

We appreciate your willingness to cooperate in this mission.
Sincerely yours,

Fred M. Zeder IT

Fred M.

Zeder II

Director of Territorial Affairs

Mr. Joseph P. Maldonado
Regional Director

Department of [lealth, Education,
and Welfare

50 Fulton Street
San Francisco, California 94102
cc: (Walter Weyzen, M.D.

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