In order to be able to predict the future levels of radioactivity in the plants and animals of the Eniwetok Test Site area,
the rate of decline has been determined for many organisms.


rate of decline is defined as the rate at which the radioactivity
is decreasing in a given tissue,


physical decay.



or organism in its native

The only constant factor is that of

Prediction of rate of decline would be extremely

difficult by other than empirical means.

The decline rates and

decay rates for many organisms in various areas in the vicinity of
the Eniwetok Test Site are reported by Bonham (1958).
In general the decay curves are steeper than the decay curve

for mixed fission products which is generally expressed as being


The mean of about 100 decay curves was about t



greatest deviation from the mean was for muscle samples from birds
and rats,

for which the decay rate was much slower.

The decline rates were equal to or greater than the decay

rate of tole?

The difference between the decay rate for mixed

fission products and the decay rate and decline rate of the biological samples means that the radioactivity is declining faster

in plants and animals than it would from fallout that included the
entire spectra of fission products.

Reasons for this are that

there is biological selectivity of the radioisotopes and other
factors such as weathering.

The decline in radioactivity


representative samples from just after the Nectar shot at Eniwetok

Select target paragraph3