the radiological documentation and characterization of the

eleven (11) atolls and two (2) islands in the Northern
Marshalls, for later use as deemed appropriate by DOE and

DOI in on-going rehabilitation and resettlement programs,

Operations of USNS WHEELING

generally be in accordance with reference

(TAGM-8) will
(a) and this MOA.

Should there be a conflict as a result of conducting operations in accordance with these two source documents, the
provisions of reference

(a) will apply while clarification

and resolution is sought by the Project Manager.

The Project Manager will promulgate an appro-

priate Operations Order in support of this MOA, subject to
to approval by cognizant major DON operational commanders



This MOA will apply to all DON, DOE and DOI resources

assigned by the several parties to prepare for, undertake and
complete the Aerial Radiological Survey of the Northern MarShall Islands.

For the purposes of more precisely defining

the dimensions of the logistics support package the DON
anticipates providing to DOE, and to facilitate establishing
accurate cost estimates for planning purposes, this MOA will
be bounded as outlined herein.

Phase I of survey operations will consist

of aerial

photographic missions of areas of interest to be defined by

Select target paragraph3