‘riod and again
itravenous thy-

shown that thiocyanate ion can act in the same

ch experiment
morning milk-

mik-I"/plasma I™ ratio.

blood I’ eon-

ie I levels of

manner. Concurrent with the decrease in milk
radioiodine concentration was a decrease in the

Two possibilities

suggest themselves as explanations for these
observations. One is that the chemicals given
to the cows had an effect upon the iodide-concentrating mechanisin of the mammary gland.
Another is that these chemicals induced the
production of a new form of iodine not available for use in formation of milk.
An earlier study comparing the blood and
milk levels of radioiodine after a single dose
produced results that hinted at the presence of
forms of todine in blood which have different

_availabilities for milk production (4).


was a possibility only for cows kept on lowiodine diets for a long time; for cows on high
levels of dietary iodine there was no evidence

that any form of iodine other than plasma
iodide contributed detectable amounts of radioiodine for milk formation. Even for the cows

on the low-iodine diet the deviation was not

a funetion of
the mammary

reater heights
periment than
was recelving
nee thyroxine
2duee thyroid
es during the
of a lesser
mmary gland

) restate that
lese cows in
ay the levels
tes tended to
on and any
na were real

ifferences in
of samples.
s paper that
‘an produce
f radioiodine
al. (3) have

marked; therefore, a new form of iodine could
be present only in small amounts. To produce
changes of the magnitude observed in the experiments reported in this paper, marked
changes in the composition of blood iodine
would have to be present. Data on blood iodine
fractionation for the KC1O, experiment of this
paper and of a Nal experiment carried out
previously (6) do not support this possibility.
Using KCIO, (Figure 1), Nal (6), and
NaSCN (3) the milk and blood levels of dairy
cows were altered within 12 hr of administration of the chemical. Experiments by Brown-

Grant using rabbits have shown that KSCN,
KCIO,, and KI ean alter the m/p ratio within

1 hr (1). It is not likely that the appearance
of a new form of labeled iodine could take

place so rapidly. Another factor that minimizes the probability of a new form of iodine
is that this new form must transfer with diffieulty across the cells of mammary gland and
the thyroid, but must be able to be readily
filtered by the kidney.
It has been well aceepted that KI, KSCN,

and KCIO, aet to interfere with the iodideconcentrating mechanism of the thyroid gland.

Therefore, in addition to the qualifications de-

tailed above, there is little reason to try to
explain the action of these chemicals other than
as an effect on the iodide-concentration mechanism of the mammary gland.
Data of Table 1 show that the effeet of a

substance such as KCI1O, is not adequately deseribed simply by indicating how much milk
radioiodine was






radioiodine might inerease and so minimize the
magnitude of the change. When milk I™ values
are divided by plasma I™values to give a milk/
plasma ratio, an index is achieved which de-

seribed the over-all ability of the mammary
gland to concentrate iodine during production
of milk. Sueh a device has been used in expressing results in this paper. To be more
precise, however, the ratio should be the milk

I'*/plasma-nonbound I" (4). If the proportion of plasma bound-I™is small, and does not

change markedly as a stress is applied to the

system, then the milk-I'"/plasma-I™is sufficient


chart the magnitude of changes, even though
underestimates, to some degree, the ability
the gland to concentrate radioiodme. Data
this and other publications have indicated

that the milk/plasma Iratios in dairy cows

ean vary from 0.3 to somewhat more than 35.
This upper value, however, is markedly less than
the 20 or 30 observed in other species (2).
Changes in the milk/plasma ratios strongly
suggest that the manner in which radioiodine
concentration in milk was reduced was a direct
action of the chemicals at the mammarygland.

The depression of the iodide accumulation

seems similar to that exhibited by the iodidetrap of the thyroid gland when acted upon by
these substances. That the milk/plasma radio-

iodine ratio was severely depressed by these

chemicals suggests that the accumulation of

iodide in milk is at least in part an active
In the presence of the inorganic substances

that inhibited iodide transfer the miulk/plasma
ratio was observed to be as low as 0.3. The
presence of this radioiodine in milk under

these conditions implies that a passive transfer

of iodide into milk also takes place. That the
milk/plasma ratio ean be much less than one
suggests that iodide does not readily diffuse
across the membranes of the mammary gland

during passive transfer.

Milk/plasma ratios

above 0.3, and certainly those above 1, may
indicate that the active accumulation is operating to raise milk iodide levels up to or
above that of the plasma. When the ratios are
above 1, it can be assumed that the rate of
transfer from plasma to milk exceeds that of

the reverse movement. While it is evident that

perchlorate, thiocyanate, and excess iodide can
inhibit the active transfer from plasma to milk,
it is not possible at this time to estimate their
influence upon the reverse movement.
Of interest was the demonstration that thyroxine eould bring about a reduction in the
ability of the mammary gland to concentrate
lodide in milk.

Select target paragraph3