asma was deter, 1:1 slurry of
to 3 ml of the

itle mixing, the
precipitate the
1 after washing
t was taken to
d subtraction of
for the milk or
ue to the bound

of these experi-

79% of a daily

bout 1% of the
and a milk-I™/
5% of the I™
und to the milk
of the control

» periods when
) the cows. For
m this chemical

er day the milk

m 1.7 to 0.4%
decrease is ap'; however, the
| by a faetor of
the milk/plasma
" times imerease

[ of perchlorate
»tein-bound [™

were 0.06 and 0.09% of a daily dose per liter
of plasma and milk duringthe control period.

of the total Iin the plasma and inereased
The administration of 10 g of Nal per day

protein I” proportions by a factor of 2.8, but

Administration of perchlorate did not change
these concentrations.

Because of the changes

in the nonprotein-bound I™ the proportion of

protein-bound I™ decreased from 9.1 to 7.2%
from 6 to 23% in the milk.

we tn

Oo on



on be

It it


had relatively little effect on milk protein-

bound I. During the thyroxine studies it was

noted that levels of 5 to 10 mg of thyroxine
per day inereased milk production and pro-

vided evidence that the thyroxine preparation

was active.
To supplement these observations two cows
were given daily doses of p-thyroxine and 2-4
dinitrophenol intravenously (Table 1) and the

milk/plasma ratio. These data are in general
accord with observations made with cows given

levels of milk and plasma Ifollowed. The

2 and 4 ¢ of NaI daily (6). No fractionation

p-thyroxine did not cause a decrease in the

It was of interest to compare the effect of

was evident. Similarly, 2-4 dinitrophenol did
not produce a decrease in the milk I™ levels.

of milk or plasma I was made in this

transfer of Ito the milk; in fact, an inerease

another halide upon the transfer of I" into
milk. For this, 60 g of NaCl were given daily
to a cow in addition to the 50 g customarily

supplied in the commercial mixed feed. Data
in Table 1 show that the high level of sodium

chloride deereased the amount of radioiodine

in milk. This decrease was not as marked as
that observed with 10 g¢ of Nal. The milk/
plasma ratio was lowered, however, and thus

suggests that sodium chloride can affect the
iodide-coneentrating mechanism of the mammary gland.
An inerease in the levels of thyroxine cireulating in the blood can reduce the uptake of
I™ by the thyroid gland. Premachandra and
Turner (7), moreover, have shown that increases the amount of I" found in milk; no

explanation of the mechanism was offered.
With this in mind, four cows were given daily
intravenous injections of L-thyroxine and the
blood and milk levels of I" followed (Table

1). The data show that 10 mg of exogenous
L-thyroxine per day reduced both the concen-


em bo

be bo

Thyroxine administration thus reduced plasma

to milking cows resulted in an increase of
plasma I" of 1.5 times, a decrease in milk I
by a factor of three, and a lowering of the
milk plasma ratio by five. Again, the plasma
I™ increased markedly during the period of
administration of the test substance, therefore,
the decrease in milk I’ was less than expected
on the basis of the change observed in the

creasing of the thyroxine levels in blood de-


these levels decreased to 0.032 and 0.027% of

a daily dose per liter for the plasma and milk,
in that order. Expressed on the basis of proportions the plasma protein-bound I™ deereased from 17.6 to 6.4%, whereas the milk
protein-bound I™ changed from 5.4 to 4.5%
as the result of the administration of thyroxine.

Figure 1 plots the changes in milk, plasma,
urine, and thyroid I™ of two eows before and
after the start of daily oral administration of

10 g of KCIO,, It should be noted that the
crdinate on the left refers to the I coneentration in morning milk and blood plasma, whereas

the ordinate on the right is the per cent of I

in the thyroid and in the urme.
In these experiments KC1O, was first admin-

istered at 4 pm; the next morning’s milk sample
showed the reduced I™ concentration and the


tration of I? in milk and the milk/plasma [™
ratio by about two. Since no change in the
blood Ilevel was noted while the milk I”
level decreased, it is possible that this action

of the thyroxine was directly upon the mammary gland.

In these experiments the average levels of
protein-bound Iwere 0.088 and 0.059% of

a daily dose per liter for plasma and milk, re-

spectively, during the control period. When

the 10 mg of thyroxine were being given daily,









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n that simulated


‘the I capsules



Fic. 1. Effect of KCIO, upon the milk, plasma,
urine, and thyroid I™ levels, The left ordinate
refers to the I™ concentration in milk plasma and

urine. The right ordinate indicates the I” aceu-

mulation in the thyroid. All values are expressed
as a pereentage of the daily intake of radioiodine.
Day 0 on the baseline ig the day administration
of perchlorate began.

[3 |

Select target paragraph3