(6) Notify the TG 7.1 Sample Return Officer of normal and any special requirements in the forward area or dl.

Designate project couriers and/or monitors if

required to accompany their samples,
The following agencies will
assist the project officers in performing their functions:



Return Officer

The specific assistance available is described below.
J-3 will:


The TG 7.1 Sample Return Officer in conjunction with

At the discretion of CTG 7.1 release the aircraft to CTG 7.4 stating that the aircraft is ready for take-off
as far as sampies aboard are concerned.


Notify Headquarters JIF SEVEN and J-3 TARE, not

later than thirty-six (36) hours in aGvance of departure of each

sample return aircraft of the following estimeted information.


Size, weight and cube of samples.


Radiation condition expected.


Destination for each container and project

responsible therefor.


Coordinate ail recovery planning with the Task

Force SEVZN and TG 7.4 sample return representatives to insure
that adequate transportation facilities and personnel are available at the time required.


Advise the Sample Return Officer, JIF SEVEN of

any special requirements when needed and/or procedures to be used

in moving scientific samples and cargo from the designated landing
air fields to the scientific laboratory having primary interest.


Arrange, thru CTG 7.4 to have the necessary


Coordinate with the TG 7.1 Sample Recovery


Brief all TG 7.1 monitors and/or couriers in

C-47 or PBM sample return airlift from Bikini to Eniwetok.

Officer to see that proper arrangements are made at Bixini to
expedite movenent of samples from Bikini to Eniwetok.
accordance with existing directives.

- 6 PL
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