



All laeborctorics having somples abonrrd.

CIF 7.1 Responsibilities.


The Commander, TG 7.1 will be respon-

sible fc - the recovery, packaging, classifying, marking, transborting spmples to FRED or ELIER, placing the samples in storage in the compound at FRED if necessary, renovinz then fron
storage and placing them aboard the semple return aircraft in

locations specified by the pilot end stating that the cireraft

is ready for toxc-cff cs far os samples aboard are concerned.
The Commander TG 7.1 is further responsible to notify certain

agencies as shown telow of prescribed inform-tion, to make

orrangcnents that the plano is met at its destinations with
211 equipment end personnel reguired to transport the semples
to the scientific leboratorices of interest.
The egencics cnd
individuals shown below will assist the Commender TG 7.1 to
perform his functions in the manner described.

samples will:


The TG 7.1 Project Officers having radioactive



Make the rccovery of their semples.


Package, classify as neccsscry, assisted by

the classification officcr ened mark 211 their samples for shipment to FRED, ELMER or the ZI.
Boxes required for packaging

énd all other materials must be on hend at TARE, NAN end/or
FRED prior to each dctonetion.
shown in inclosure 2.


Boxes should be marked as

Accompany their samples to th. compound on

FRED and have a representative present when the aircraft are

loaded, for coordination and s-fety measures and to essist as


Asccrtein, along with the TG 7.1 Sample

Control Officer, that project personnel are available to teke
custody of their sanples and to mect the scmple roturn air-

craft with handling gear if required at cirports of intcnded
Enaing «


Program directors end project officers

must insure that personnel listcd -s those to ccll if no one

mects the Flyawey cirercft at the sample destinations care

authorized to reeeive collect tclcphone calls from the Sample

Roturn Officers or other officicl personnel if this ection
becomes necessary or acsirable
ditious scmple delivery.

from the standpoint of expe-

LAI Re ’


Select target paragraph3