

Submit final report on prepared form, in


In the event alternate airports are used

writing to Comuander, JIF SEVEN, giving appropriate details in
regard to delivery of samples to cach destination.
because of weather, contact JIF SEVEN Rear or LNO Travis giv-

ing deteils.
He will further contact laboratories concerned
4nd arrange for an cxpeditious turnover of samples to euthorized representatives as possible,


Headquarters JTF SEVEN (Rear) and INO JIF SEVEN

Travis AFB and Hickam Air Force Base will heve the following


To safc-guard samples while in transit with-

in area of responsibility in accordance with appropriate secur-

ity directives.


LNO Travis AFB will insure that appropriate


LNO Travis AFB will further inform appropri-


Heedgquarters JIF SEVEN Rear and LNO Travis

base facilities and clearances hevé’ bocn arranged for by !f4ATS #
at each of the west cocst installations wherc Flyaway circreft

will land.

ate leboratories on the west coast of estimetcd times of arrival of each sample return aircreft in order thet the respective
laboratories may have transportation cnd personnel present when
eircraft land,

AFB will monitor the flight of cach Flyawcy aircraft to its

final destinetion within the United States and assist where

necessary in assuring the aircraft proceeds to its final destinetion with minimum delay of time at cach enroute stop.

These agencies will rurthor keep CJTF-SEVEN informed of the

progress of all Flyaway flights erd notify the l-boratorics
concerned of ETA's of the Flyawcovs.


LNO's will notify the following agencies of

all Flycway deperture end orrivais from thoir stations:







Liaison Officer, Hickam AFB


Liaison Officer, Travis AFB


CTG 7.1 (Forward and Rear)


Select target paragraph3