

To eccompany each aircraft to its final des-

This officer will have the responsibility of turning

ever the samples to authorized representatives of the labora-

torics conecrned at each stop on the scheduled itinerary.


sample project officer courier will remain-with the aircraft ct
oll times unless his dutics require him to bec elsewhere eat stops
At all times he will insure that adequate security
£nd safety precautions are adhered to.
Prior to departure the
scmple project officer will be given a survey instrumont and a
course of instructions by CTG 7.4.
In addition to the iespon-

sibilitics for delivery of samples, the sample project officer

Will also act as radiological safety monitor who will “te responsible to turn in at the flight, fiim badges and radiation


Bricf each aircraft commander with regard to


Check the mconifcst for the cargo and person-


Have ce list of local egntects plus telephone


Request the circraft commender to notify


By long distance telcphone ecil or TWX,

the nature of the cargo bcing carricd, why it is necessary for
its expcditiovs dclivery and the radiological safety measurcs
thet should be préctised by ell personnel aboard.
He will
assist the cirercft commander in sfy wey possible to facilitate
the cfficient and expeditious hanéling of tne cargo and passcongers.
nel aboard eéch circreft prior to deperture from Eniwetok «ne
ascertein destinetion of cach.
numbers at ecch
will be able to
lcboratories to
scmples at each

stop of his eircraft so thet if nccesscry he
contact appropricte representatives at various
eaessurc prompt dclivery and transportation of
airport of landing.

cach airport sufficiently in edvence for local representatives
to be cbiec to contact the airport cand dctermine as near as possible the exact time of orrival.
whichever is “pyropriate, notify oT’ CLVEN LNO Travis AFB or

Headquarters JIF SEVEN Rear, whichcver is closest, of his

exect time of arrival end his estimated time of dcparture from
cach airport.


Inform Neadquarters, JTF SEViN Rear and

JTF SEVEN LNO Travis AFB of any cmergeney landings or unusucl







ny &

conditions which will require the essistance of JTF SEVEN in
provision of replaccment aircraft so as to insure expeditious
delivery of samples.

Select target paragraph3