TITLE ; Dose Reassessment and Utirik for Rongelap CONTRACTOR NAME HA-02-01-01 CODE Associated Universities, Inc. 20e, BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE WP NUMBER DATE PREPARED 03/31/80 TASK NO. REV. NO. BNL 0 Approach. The study will comprise: a. Literature search for all available data concerning the BRAVO test, such as, meteorological conditions and radiation measurements. Discussions with scientific and technical personnel involved in the BRAVO test. b. Use of historic samples and teeth samples to determine 1297) 20gr, and 239, 240py, concentrations to derive concentrations of other radionucldies. In_ addition, excised thyroid glands from exposed Marshallese will be analyzed for 1297 and 99Tc and data so generated will be used to estimate the concentrations of short lived iodine isotopes. c. Diet and life style studies to provide information for dose assessment. d. Computer simulation of the BRAVO test fallout to determine the transport and deposition of radionuclides. Management Controls Fiscal control will be exercised in the form of monthly comparisons, over the task term, of actual costs incurred against corresponding line items of the budget. Technical results shall be monitored through a periodic review, by the Contractor Task Manager, of accomplishments by measuring actual performance as compared to expected progress. All work shall be conducted in conformance with generally ac- cepted standards for R&D and other investigative or analytic procedures, as observed by universities and large independent research facilities including Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). 20f. Technical Progress. Technical Progress in BY-3 (FY 1979). A preliminary literature search and consultations with Dr. C.A. Sondhaus, University of California, have been completed. This has resulted in defining areas of uncertainty in information available and establishing the procedural steps that should be carried out to reassess the dose estimates. All available data on external radiation measurements, radionuclide concentrations in soil, water, vegetation, animal and food items have been collated. Historic samples collected from Rongelap and Utirik have been submitted for L297 analysis. Pertinent meteoro- logical data pertaining to the BRAVO test has been researched and the information supplied to Lawrence Livermore Laboratory so that they can go ahead with the computer simulation of fallout transportation and deposition. The 149] determinations of the soil samples have been completed for those historic samples that were available. Some of these samples will also be analyzed for 29re. In addition, we are exploring the possibility of analyzing “Bikini- HA-Ol -b ~