COE F 5120.2 nA AOAaa (10-79) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT 1. WORK PACKAGE NUMBER 7, TASK TITLE 2, TASK NG, [3. REV. NO. 4. PROJECT NO. Q - Begin: HA-02-01-01 (mm dd yy) fmm dd yy! 6. CONTRA TOR NUMBER 03/31/80 8B, WORK PACKAGE TITLE Dose Reassessment for Rongelap and Utirik 9. BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE}i0, TASK TERM 5. DATE PREPARED 11. CONTRACTOR NAME find: 4 (mm dd yy} ‘ated Universit] Associate niversities, (003070) I 12. CODE Continuing Open BNL 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Nama: Last, First, M/} (FTS No.) (14. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Name:Last, First, M// C.B. Meinhold 666-4209 Naidu, J.R. (666-4263) Greenhouse, N.A. (666-4250) 15. WORK LOCATION (See instructions!: Mame of facility, City, State, Zip Code - 16. Is this task 17. Does this task include included in the any management Institutional Plan? services efforts? RK) ves C)yves DU No ki NO 18. TASK DESCRIPTION (Approech, relation to work package, in 200 words or tess} An in-depth study of all information pertaining to BRAVO test fallout on Rongelap and Utirik will be made. In addition, using advanced analytical and computer techniques, a comprehensive fallout model will be developed. Using this model in conjunction with dietary and life style patterns prevalent at time of exposure, a reassessed dose estimate--internal and external--will be made for the populations of Rongelap and Utirik. These dose estimates will be evaluated in terms of the thyroid nodule incidences in these populations, and the results obtained will provide information towards correlating doses and radiation effects. ( 19. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER “7 y| iy | i i - r~ wy Se iI i bebe ue $ Charles B. Meinhold (Signature) 20. DETAIL ATTACHMENTS: (See instructions} ( on = Mas. CF1 am 4) Facility Requtramaents J.R. Naidu : . Rout ---~ N.A. Greenhouse 03/31/80 (Date) Wa. Background Gg. Future accomplishments (i. Mp, Publications (We. Approach [Wh. Relationships to other projects Lk. ZBB Detall (Se. (dt. Tachnical progress CH. Environmental assessment On. bb Purpose . (see instructions) ine. Explanation of milestones Other (Specify): WA-OL-3