Memorandum for the Record


things as the air facility on Eniwetok Island.
This agreement would
have to be consummated with the HICOM.
In this connection, CAPT Worthing

wanted Mr. Carpenter's opinion on whether or not it was a feasible

alternative to consider putting all debris on Runit or in Cactus
Crater, thereby saving considerable money in transporting the debris
to somewhere else in the world.
Mr. Carpenter seemed to think this
was indeed feasible - that the establishment of exclusive ares was
within the letter and spirit of the Joint Statement.
In response to
my question, both Mr. Carpenter and Mr. DeYoung felt that the policing
of any exclusion area (by Eniwetokese) would be very effective.
CAPT Worthing asked Mr. Carpenter for an agreement in principle that
the Holmeg and Narver report should include estimates for the removal

of everything, except facilities now in use, whether or not it was “safe
for human habitation.'' This would not require any DOI funds. Mr. Carpenter

agreed to the principle.

The final topic was the EIS.
CAPT Worthing stated that H&N would write
the EIS for DNA.
Since it was agreed at the September 7 meeting that DOD
would take the lead +n o
IS and since the current feeling in OMB is to
fund for cleanup and rehabilitation in one package, the H&N EIS would
also cover both cleanup and rehabilitation.
DNA estimates that the cost

of this EIS would be $200-250K.

for half of the cost = $100-125K.

CAPT Worthing requested that DOI fund
Mr. Carpenter noted that if any DOT

money is to be spent on Eniwetok it has to come from the HICOM's budget.
Therefore, he would have to talk to the HICOM about this.
Both DOD and

DOI talked of this as a "calculated risk" for DOI to come in on the EIS

at this time.
This was referring to the possibility that the rehabilitation,
after DOD cleanup, would not require an EIS.
This possibility was considered
slight in view of the OMB's apparent desire to fund a single package,’ making
cleanup and rehabilitation a single U.S. Government project, and Mitchell's
implied threats to test in court his own opinion that it is a single
U. S. Government project.

Office of Tests,

Select target paragraph3