In the subsequent diecusegion, the President made it clear that he
wished, of course, the statutory members (including the statutory
advisere) to attend ali regular NSC meetings. In addition, he wanted
the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director, Bureas of the Budget to
attend. He would also expect the Director, USIA, the Special Assistant

for National Security Affaire, the Executive Secretary of the NSC and the
Deputy Executive Secretary of the NSC, to attand and sit at the table.
For agenda items which are the subject of official interest, he

would expect the Attorney General, Chairman, AEC and the Administrator,
NASA to sit at the table.

Hae expreseed his view that this should mean

that the Attorney General and the Administrator, NASA would not find
it necessary to attend all regular meetings. However, he felt that he
wished the Chairman, AEC to participate as regularly as his convenience
and conscience dictated.
Particularly with reapect to the Chairman of the AEC, the Preeident
expressed the following views: In the context of modern and perspective

weapons systema, there is very Uttle in the way of defense palicy with
which the Chairmas of the AEC is not concerned. Furthermore, because

of the special characteristics of the lagislatian under which the AEC
operates and because af the constant effort of the Joint Congressional
Committee on Atomic Energy, t© have a dominant voice in all mattera
pertaining to atamic energy, the President wishes to make every effart

poesible to keep the Chairman of the AEC in the family of the Executive

Branch of the Government. He therefore is willing in various ways to take
what might be considered unusual steps to identify the Chairman of the AEC

with the formulation of national policy. Finally, he felt that men such as
Mr. McCone came to Washington at a considerable sacrifice and with

only the motivation of service and to appear to exctude them from the
high councile was semething the President wished to avoid.

With respect to those who attend regular NSC meetings bat de act

Now that Arthur Larson has departed, he would aot expect hr.
Lareon's successor to attend meetings. He said that he hed never
understeed why Larson had originally been invited. He falt that the
Director, ICA, should costines to attend as long as Jimeny Geith ecoupies
that position, He had not fally endersteed previeusnty thet the Under
Secretar: “f State for Econemic Affaire hed eucceeded te the courdinating
fuactior formerly assigned to [CA. He felt thet the Special Ansiotemmtes







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ait at the table, he made the following coroments:

Select target paragraph3