Dr. Claude L. Yarbro

Project Officer for PRNC-



July 1, 1974

We believe that, if Dr. Kolehmainen has in-transit status at
Kwajalein he can be allowed on the island if accompanied by an associate
with security clearance. This was allowed during the last trip when Or.
Kolehmainen and I left the Palumbo at Kwajalein and flew back to Hickam
AFB in Honolulu.
If security clearance for the other three men is required, the
requests for clearance should be initiated. I hold "Q" clearance at the
present time.
I would appreciate your determining what type of clearance is required
to enter Kwajalein Atoll and your forwarding the necessary forms to me.
Best regards,

Frank G. Lowman
Associate Director


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