470 Vv olin - wecbnbe WDof dd. pages Ko, 3 ot... &ex7'ss, Seize UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WASHINGTON25, D. C. iN REPLY REFER TO: BM: JCB BEST COPY AVAILABLE 7 March 6, 1954 Major General Percy W. Clarkson Commander, JTF~-7 U. S. Pacific Fleet c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California Dear General Clarkson: Dr. Charles L. Dunham, Chief of the Medical Branch of this Division of the Atomic Energy Commission will accompany the special medical team and will be associated with it as AEC medical liaison. In addition to tuis official relationship, he will, of course, perform such professional duties as may require his participation in connection with the special medical program. Dr. Dunham carries both military and AEC travel authorizations to use as needed in connection with his AEC responsibilities. Sincerely yours, John C. Bugher, M.D. Director Division of Biclogy and Medicine by Dr. Dunham) 9000954 ~