Dear Mr. Walah:

Qn behalf of the Departaent of Defense and the Atonle Energy Com=

uissien, I am inviting the major media in the United States to par~
tioipate, on a posled basis, dn the public reporting of a megaten

yield moleer detonation scheduled for about May 1, 1956, at the

Qomniseion's Exiwetok Proving Ground.

The tebal nusber of newamen and technicians who ere being invited

te attend is liatted to 15, With the exception of the wire services,
each of wiich hes been allotted ane representative, the coverage
will be on a pooled basis,
Honolulu will be the point of assembly ani disexbarkntion, The neva~
men will defray the cost of transportation to Henclulu and return and
the expenses for meals for the duration of the observer progran,

This invitetion to you ani the other msjor media is for the purpose of
reporting of the events associated with the explosion of a high yield
miclear device, Through the facilities ef the world-<ide medie of
the United States, this benefit will extent to the people of ell nations.
Through beckground triefings and tours of som parts of the installa=
tions at the Proving Qround, we will try to mike it possible for the
newamen to provide the publio with a full picture of the complex op=
eration involved in an overseas weapon teat ant the many safety
measures taken in the public interest,
There vill be no censorship ef printed copy and radio brasdcasting,.
Al) newsmen and technicians must be United States citizens ani, through
the precedures of the Office of Public Informatian, Department of De~


accredited to the Joint Test Information Offices set up by the

of Defense and the Comaission,

There will be ons representative each from the Associated Presa, the
International Hews Service and the United Preas, We are requesting
the Press Gallery to designate tvo corresponients as pool reporters
for nevepapers,

The method of selection is at your discretion but we





Usa JU

suggest that one represent the morning papers and the other the after~
noon papers,


Select target paragraph3