

and Resettlement. As with the rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll,
responsibliity for cleanup and rehabilitation rests with the’ DOD and
DOI respectively. AEC is responsible for gaining a sufficfent wderetanding of the radiological environment at Enivetok Atoll
to provide


Typical judgements requiring thie informat

contamination should be reduced during cleanup; and

which may be indicated on the use ef Land er water

would deal with

Organization of the Eniwetok Radiological Survey now underway, is shown
in Figure 3. The Washington Interagency Group
charged with coordination
ef actions to effect overall Eniwetok Atoll obfgectives. The Manager, Nevada

Operationa Office, has been directed te plan,/organize, and conduct the
AEC radiological field survey to develop
radiological enviroment of Eniwetok Atell

requirements for the survey and cleanup
responsible divisions within AEC Heads

ficient data on the total




The Division of Biomedical

Eavironsental Research (DBER)
has the responsibility for
ewing and guiding the
preparation of a report on the radiological status of the
atoll. This report wiii
prepared by the Data Evaluation
Group at Lawrence Liv
e Laboratery.


The Division of Operat

Safety (DOS) shares responsibility

for planning the survey
and will provide the ecordination
of these plans and their extension during the survey with
the Assistant Genergl
Manager for Enviromental Safety


DOS will jaiso provide information on the survey

to EPA staff at the
Washington level upon request. DOs will
review and evalugte all data and assessments relevant to
the feasibility
various cleanup methods and methods for
disposal of
rdous materials. Cleanup eriteria, require-

wents, guidelifes, and enviromental and health protection

standards to pe eaployed during cleanup operations will then
be develo
“by DOS in consultation with appropriate AEC staff
other agencies.


The AGMMA/has the overall mithority and responsibility within

the AEC for coordinating mattere related to the rebabilitation

eof the Enivetok Atell.



The radiological survey, and the interpretive effort associated with it,
is a large program superimposed on a aumber ef technically qualified
organizations. Survey activities and analyticel efforts by responsible
organizations are reflected in Figures 4 and 5.

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Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-53) AECM 0240




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