E.E. Held, Qualitative Distribution of Radionuclides at
Rongelap Atoll.

In Radioecology,

Schultz and Klement

(Editors), Reinhold Pub. Corp. and the American Institute
of Biological Sclences, New York (1963).
G.M. Dunning (Editor), Radioactive Contamination of Certain
Areas in the Pacific Ocean from Nuclear Tests.

U.S. Atomic

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C.F. Miller and P. Loeb, Ionization Rate and Photon Pulse
Rate of Fission Products from Slow Neutron Fission of p33,

USNRDL-TR-247 (1958).
S. Glasstone


The Effects of Nuclear Weapons.

Atomic Energy Commission (1962)


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Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests, Hearings Before the
Special Subcommittee on Radiation of the Joint Committee on
Atomic Energy, Congress of the U.S. 86th Congress,

Séssion, U.S. Government Printing Office (1959).



especially V. 3, pp. 1969-36).
D.W. Cole,

S.P. Gessel and E.E. Held,

Tension Lysimeter

Studies of Ion and Moisture Movement in Glacial Till and
Coral Atoll Soils.

Soil Sci.


Soc. of Amer. Proc. 25, 4(1961).

Select target paragraph3