Mr. Joe B. Sanders



Taongi Atoll - Construction and Support Requirements

30 January 1957

Page 2

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Communications. Commnications will be required for the maximum and minimum
scope as follows:
Two-way teletype and voice, Elmer-Taongi.
Two-way teletype and voice, Nan-Taongi.

Taongi to ships (ship to shore).

Telephone system.
Submarine cable system for signal, control and telephone circuits.

It has been assumed that radio communication equipment will be government furnished

and the radio and telephone terminal will be located in the Station 70 type structure.
At site Elmer additional equipment and antennas for the Taongi circuits wila be required and the power demands of the additional equipment determined. At site Nan
it is proposed to establish the communication factlities in the new building presently
contemplated, by decreasing the work space.
It is imperative that a complete investigation of an over-all system be made prior
to deciding on equipment, rather than building a system piecemeal.
Airstrip. An airstrip is contemplated only for maximum requirements. It will be
150 feet wide, and 4500 feet long with 25 foot shoulders on each side. It will be

designed for C-47 wheel loads.

A 400' x 500’ parking area is contemplated.

The runway section will consist of an 8" coral rock sub-base with a 4" coral rock
surface course. The shoulders will have a 4" coral rock course over sub-grade.
The airstrip will be located at the northerly end of Sibylla Island.

However, if

the winds are more easterly than now assumed the airstrip will be more centrally
located on the island with a bearing slightly east of northeast.

The entire site will be cleared of trees and underbrush.

A control tower, runway

and field lighting or markers, wind direction indicators and other facilities as
generally required by the military ising agency have been contemplated.

A seaplane landing area for both maximum and minimum requirements has

been proposed.

The landing area will be 1000 feet wide, 10,000 feet long and will

have 15 feet depth at mean low water to provide for the heavier type aircraft.
The landing area will be located in the lagoon off Sibylla Island parallel and
opposite the proposed airstrip. The exact location will be determined by boat
anchorage or mooring area clearance requirements.

The landing area must be clear of obstructions for 1000 feet at each end and so lo-

cated to permit a 1:50 glide slope. A channel from the landing area to a concrete
ramp 50 feet wide will be provided. Day and night marker buoys will outline the
landing and channel areas. Mooring buoys will be located as necessary. Control
tower with radio communications will be as determined by the military using agency.

Causeways. Causeways connecting Pokaakku and Sibylla Islands with an estimated
total length of 3700 feet is contemplated only for the maximum condition. The
causeways will be of coral sand fill with rip rap used on the slopes where excessive

erosion is likely.

with coral sand.

The crown width will be 24 feet with roadway surface stabilized

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