G. L. Felt, CT 7.1



1 February 1957

A timing, telemetering and communicetions facility

(similar to Sta. 70 - Enyu) on the southernmost bit
of real estate to reduce its vulnerability to shot

demage as much as possible.

A small craft channel and landing in the location

recorded in H. 0. Publication No. 165A and H. 0.

Field Chart No. 4012.

We assume that this location

was logically selected from on-site information


An alpha station on the most northern land mass since
by nature of the measurement it must be the closest

station to a shot and we desire to keep shots as far

north as possible to minimize their effect on Item 1



An airstrip on Pokaakku Island - rather than on the
northerly end of Sibylle Island as H&N proposed in

Enclosure A - as close to Item 1 above as flight safety

5. A photo station south of the alpha station at a distance
roughly equal to the separation between CASTLE Stations

1210 and 1342.


A camp located for convenience near the airstrip and

boat landing since there is no invulnerable location on
this Atoll for a camp.

In conclusion we wish to interject two cautions: Enclosure A
was necessarily quickly prepared and assumes construction conditions
at Taongi Atoll are no worse than those at Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls -

this assumption may prove false and necessitate an upward revision of

these estimates. Further, there exists interrelations between the
items listed in the cost summaries which precludes elimination of
individual items without appropriate adjustments in the costs of the


i.e., elimination of the LST landing in the minimum condition

would certainly increase the difficulty of building the telemetering
station and hence would increase its cost.


RHC: Jdr

Enclosures A & B as above


7-G. L. Felt, CT 7.1, w/7 em. Enc. A&B

2 - J6 Files

Select target paragraph3