


Tabulation of Analytical Jesuits
Three tabulations of analytical data are collected in this


The first is the summary of results from the five

selected sites, the second is a series of samples obtained f£

ULA, and the third is a collection of miscellaneous analyses
during the period. While the results of the last two groups
not used in drawing the conclusions reached in this report,

values obtaine: are reported here for completeness.

The first group of samples from the five selected sites incl
analyses of sojl, arminal bone and vegetation for total radi

strontium, Sr°°, natural strontium, radium and exchangeable

calcium. These results were used in evaluating strontium a
radium uptake.

One group of samples was furnished by De. Kermit Larsen of

These materials from the Test Site and Almagordo showed only

fair correlation of bone/soil and piant/ soil ratios. The Ja
soil has previously been shown by Dr. Larsen to have low a
ability of strontium, but the other fouw test site samples
be equivalent.

Their bone/ soil retios of 2.0; 1.4,

58, and

could not be fitted into the data from other sites, as avai

calcium analyses are not available.


The miscellaneous samples included many samples of arinal
human bone but comparable soil or food figures were not avai lable
for strontium uptake studies.

00131986 062

lds 10491

Select target paragraph3