ate, ONLY One sample frow 1000 cubic meters of air at 88,000feet

“3 obtained. Sampling was prevented by mechanical failures in two ot
Flights were made from Holloman AFB, New Mexico.
sampling Results
The results of atmospheric sampling to date are given in Table HL.
be noted that except for two of the four jet aircraft flights,


oe concentrations reported are remarkably uniforn.

ny value of 0.06 d/min/w? from the single 68,000 ft. sample compares fiver

ath the Samples collected at roof level (mean 0.08 d/m/M>, range .Ol-.)2 d/a/),
pglecting the two


07 d/ain/

values from the jet flights, the remaining two


hc offer no conclusive explanation for the two high pairs among the

collected by Jet aircraft. One might speculate thatbecsuse these to
spe characterised by somewhat higher 89 to 90 ratios (Table 12). that

ge dominated by debris from the USSE detonations in mid-August. Ho
1p ot too plausible an explanation in view of the fact that the first

vas collected shortly after the Russian thermonuclear detonation and t
second high sample about four months later.
Relation of aes Samples to the Residual


If the fission Field of MIKE was


6x 102

curies of which the Sr”


blanket of air

MT, the residual activity at this

component is approximately 2.4, or

this activity were uniformly distributed throughoug


feet in thickness (volume = 5.4 x 10°9¢t3.) the condentration

of fission product activity would be 6 d/min/W.

would be 0.8 d/min/w,

‘The concentration of [$r70

Neglecting the two high values for the moment, the data suggest that

‘rather uniform dispersion (06 d/min/M>) of fission products in the itmosphere

wf to about 100,000 feet. This is equivalent to about 1f of the residsal
tivity from MIKE. In eddition, there are an undetermined oumber of

io “slugs® which to date have been observed only in the region of the

The sr°9-90 content of these samples is given in Table 12, It will
‘hat these isotopes are present in all samples in mounts that exceed
Trerable factor the percentages predicted theoretically in debris
YY, UPSHCT-KNOTHOLE or the recent USSE series. Only the samples co
¥ jet aircraft have been analysed for Sr9O to date. If these samples]


*presentative, this isotope represents about 10K of the total activity, about

is ‘ines the expected percentage, if the debris is dus to MIKE.
; of the Sr90 yield from

‘he atmosphere,

is estimated to be stored in the lower


105 70bb

Select target paragraph3