


4 and 5 involve the identification

of the informal communication process typically used by
Marshallese and using this information with theoretical
assumptions to develop a communication process.


prime purpose of the process is to facilitate the communica-

tion of radiological and resettlement topics between federal
representatives of DOE and resettling Marshallese.

Task 4.

Investigate procedures for effective

communication among Marshallese

Knowledge gained from this task will assist in identifying the general framework of the flow of communication

in the Marshall Islands and specifically on atolls where
radiological topics are a focus of concern.

.In addition,

credibility of sources and personal characteristics will be

Characteristics of the communication flow and

the sources will assist in developing a communication process;

the second task in this research phase.
Communication among Marshallese tends to be informal

and transmitted by word of mouth.

Formal communications are

limited to a single newspaper, The Micronesian Independent,
and a limited range radio station at Majuro.

Both formal media

sources are restricted and underutilized in the remote atolls
such as Bikini, Enewetak and Rongelap.

Hence, Marshallese

must rely on word of mouth for the bulk of local and international


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