

Identification and Perception of Radiological



information provided by the following tasks

will provide insights into the nature and effects of previous
efforts to communicate radiological and resettlement information to the Marshallese.

Document content,

frequency and

nature of contacts and subjective perceptions will provide

necessary background information to better assess and comprehend the situation currently existing in the Marshalls.
Identification of current Marshallese perceptions of

radiological topics and knowledge of Marshallese decisionmaking processes will form the data base necessary to underStand and predict behavioral outcomes of future interactions

with federal representatives,

the subject of research to be

accomplished in Phases 2 and 3.
Task 1.

Identify, review and analyze previous


Since 1946, a series of government documents have been
compiled concerning:



environmental safety of the Marshall

(b) conditions necessary for resettlement: and


communication between Marshallese, their representatives and
federal representatives of the Department of Energy and Office

of Territorial Affairs.
and analyzed in terms of:

Documents will be identified, reviewed

message content, (2)


through which the information was communicated to the Marshallese,

(3) written response


(if any)

of Marshallese and their

Select target paragraph3