-6§Utirik and Bikini have aroused considerable concern and anxiety
among the Marshallese in general.

In fact, the general topic

of radiation and its health effects are very confusing to most
atoll residents.

For example,

there is no word comparable to

"radiation" in the Marshallese language; hence it makes discussions

about radiation topics very awkward and misleading.

Yet, DOE has

the responsibility of communicating with the Marshallese concerning risks and safety standards associated with radiation.

up to the present time,


communication with the Marshallese

concerning radiological topics has been hampered by:


inadequate translations from English to tarshattese


misunderstandings about the biological side effects
generated by radiation exposure;


a lack of knowledge on the ability to predict how
Marshallese will respond to communications; and

4. a lack of knowledge on how to prevent further communi-

cations difficulties such as those that occurred at Bikini.
In addition to the communication difficulties listed above,
the extensive 13-atoll survey is likely to arouse additional
Suspicion and confusion among atoll residents.

Presence of addi-

tional teams of technicians conducting the aerial and ground surveys
is likely to arouse curiosity and concern,

especially since most

of the atolls included in the survey have not received such atten-

tion in the past.

Many of the atoll residents believe that

islands are safe and have not been affected by radiation.

it is possible that new fears will be created and add to

already increasing levels of apprehension about radiation exposure

Select target paragraph3