
Project Title:

of Facilities



Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program GK-01-01-52-3-(a)


Greenhouse, N. A. and Miltenberger, R. P. Radiological analyses of
Marshall Islands environmental samples from 1974 through 1976. BNL Report
(in press).

Greenhouse, N. A. and Miltenberger, R. P.

and dose predictions for Rongelap, Utirik,
BNL Report
(in press).

External radiation survey

Rongerik, Ailuk, and Wotje Atolls.


(a) -200 Word Summary: A comprehensive radiological safety program will
be maintained for the inhabitants of atolls in the Northern Marshall Islands
contaminated as a result of the U.S.

items and services will be provided:

Pacific Testing programs.

The following

1. Environmental and personnel monitoring to provide data for
BNL dose assessments and determination of radiological trends.
Individual and population dosimetry based on actual measurements.
These data will be used to modify dose commitment predictive models so that they accurately

reflect future trends,

3. Suggestions based on field experience to mitigate doses
via the more critical pathways.
4. A flexible resource of radiological expertise to independently
review radiation protection programs associated with rehabilitation efforts in the northern Marshalls, and for related health
physics interests of OES in the Pacific Basin.


Program activities for the coming fiscal year will emphasize the follow1. In vivo counting of Bikini and Enewetak residents. These
efforts will define baseline body burdens of gamma-emitting

nuclides for new residents at both atolls, and will periodically assess changes in body burdens over time which might
result from various exposure pathways.


Urine bioassay to define radionuclide excretion patterns

from individuals, and to estimate 90c5¢ and transuranic
nuclide burdens. -

(See Continuation Sheet)


Select target paragraph3