ES&H Assurance & Measurement

‘Uniform Emp loyee Health Status and Occupational Hazards
Records System


This will provide for the development of a "HEALTH TRACK" system.
DOE is currently significantly behind the industry-wide state-of-the-art
In industry and in Government it is
in employee surveillance systems.
to concentrate solely
no longer sufficient or acceptable
on making the workplace safe within the known parameters of the stateof-the-art of ES&H disciplines. Rather what is required is positive
assurance that there are no occupationally related adverse health
Such assurance can only be provided by
effects in the work force.
a close, timely, and systematized measurement and surveillance of the
integrity of the working environment and of the health status of the
NEPA Assurance

$140,000 ©

To the extent possible, the "Executive Summary" will address NEPA
assurance. Additionally, a computerized information system would be
beneficial in keeping track of the projected environmental impacts
versus the actual impact.
This would be a "magnanimous" undertaking,
but if the work is to be conducted in OES, then we should start budgeting
for it.
Analysis of Environmental Data at Energy Facilities


EG&& has been invited to submit a proposed management plan to OES which
would provide for complete overall management of effluent onsite discharge
and environmental monitoring data systems currently handled by EG&
Idaho and the AMS and Graphic Overview Information Systems managed by
EG&G Nevada. The requested funds are needed to support development and
implementation of such an overall management system for analysis of
environmental data and information.
ES&H Standards and Criteria

Guidelines - ALAP


This program is in its last year. The BNW requested amount in the
schedule 189 is 80K.
The OES recommendation was a cut to 40K.
loss of 40K would necessitate cutting the number of drafts to one
iteration which would severely lower the quality and acceptability
of the final document.
The reduction of funds would also impact
on the time and number of reviews prior to finalization.

Select target paragraph3