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ry79 Objectives


Emergency response capability will be maintained at an Eastern and a Western base. Major site
surveys using a variety of sensor systems will be carried out within the resources of the program. A side
scan radar, exciter/sensor system, or other advanced sensor system will be acquired and made operational.

Expanded capability to process and distribute photographic images will be provided. The second half of
the equipment to implement the trinity concept of image processing will be acquired. A scanning micro- .
densitometer and accessories will be placed in operation. A minimum complete capability to acquire and
process remotely sensed data will exist.

FY80 Objectives
IEmergency response capability will be maintained at an Eastern and a Western base.

Major site

surveys, utilizing a variety of sensor systems, will be carried out within the resources of the program..
An airborne magnetometer or other advanced remote sensing system will be made operational. Software
development and hardware modification for the image processing center will ke completed. An operational
integrated capability will be established to acquire, process, and distribute remotely sensed data from
the gamma ray, Optical and near infrared, thermal infrared, and microwave parts of the electromagnetic

The overall capability will be sufficiently developed to allow an in depth integrated study of approximately ten major sites per year. In addition, limited coverage of up to ten smaller sites would be providec
As part of the technical support portion of the program, studies will continue relative to the amount
and type of remote sensing appropriate to carry out the DOE/AMS mission. Part of the activity will includ

requirements for new classes of remote sensing equipment and appropriate ground correlation measure-

ments and analysis.


These studies will determine the type and amount of data reduction capability, ground truth

measurements, laboratory analytical and calibration backup necessary to process and disseminate

remotely sensed data acquired by the operational airborne measurement systems in response to specific
program needs and objectives. Software will be developed or modified, tested, and applied as necessary.
In addition, evaluation and design assistance will be provided for any necessary expansion of hardware
as sociatedwith tbs im proces ‘:_= or the sensor system arrays.

Select target paragraph3