HighPriority 1. Establish/maintain viable ES&H data analysis and reporting systems (PMS, environmental). Establish/maintain specialized ES&H technical resources, starting ES&H program for technologies. including Continue to provide radiological support for the Enewetak cleanup. Continue the data analysis and reporting required by the 13-Atoll survey. Establish/promulgate ES&H guidelines and criteria for DOE operations (including D&D). Maintain the Aerial Measuring System. Conduct occupational health surveillance (incl. medical records followup, medical exams followup, exposure records followup). Establish/maintain EDP & NEPA followup activities. 9. 10. Maintain the Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability. Monitor DOE ES&H resources. Intermediate Priority 1 Maintain/enhance a risk analysis and assessment capability. 2 Establish an institutional standards effort. 3. Establish an institutional Q&RA effort. 4 Establish a contingency fund for ES&H problems 5 Establish Think Tank (enhance methodology, assessment, and analysis capability). (field & HQ). Lower Priority Establish safety system laboratory redundant to SSDC. Establish an FS&H measuring system at a pilot plant to evaluate Operating practices. Study DOE ES&H liabilities, commercialized activities. roles, and responsibilities for e e e E E R S P P E F E E R E E [FR OFS Objectives for FY 1980