
His background and knowledge of cross-cultural problems makes
him aptly qualified to pursue the goals described in this project.

Robert Kiste, Ph.D.

(Anthropology) is a Visiting Scientist

at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers and Professor of
Anthropology at the University of Minnesota.

He holds a Ph.D.

in Anthropology from the University of Oregon.

Dr. Kiste will

share many of the research responsibilities including the development of the participant observation techniques and maintaining
contact with key informants.

His field research experience

with the Bikini and Enewetak communities is extensive.


relationships with certain Marshallese communities and knowledge
of the Marshallese language makes him highly qualified for conducting work in this project.

Additional support will be provided by Marvin E. Olsen
and Clarence Chaffee.

Marvin E. Olsen is a Senior Research

Scientist at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers,


an Affiliate Professor of Sociology at the University of Washington.
He holds a Ph.D.

in sociology from the University of Michigan.

His areas of expertise include social organizational processes,
community organization,

and social change.

He has done extensive

research and writing on problems of organizational and community
processes and structures,

as well as the assessment of social

impacts of developmental programs.

Clarence Chaffee is a Staff Scientist at the Battelle
Seminars and Studies Program and is a specialist in cross-~cultural communication.

Both will assist in the assessment

and development of the communication network and model.


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